Rep Darrell Issa would like to have information on everyone who has filed a request based on the Freedom of Information Act. I had not thought to file such a request for I wish to fill my blog with hubris like Rush Limbaugh does the airwaves. However, all things being me I now feel compelled to file a request for information.
I shall also send to Rep Issa my personal information and a link to my blog. I shall also invite him to come visit me at my home in the backwoods. His visit may help me get highspeed access to the Internet. ( yes I am self-serving).
I encourage all who read my blog to send your information to Rep Issa. Save the government the cost of searching for you. Give it to him. I refuse to live in fear of a throw back to McCarthyism from Rep Issa. I am an American. I am free to speak my mind. That is why we have sent our children off to die in an unnecessary war in Iraq. Freedom. If Rep Issa sleeps better at night having my personal information then let him. If he is so moved after viewing my files to pay off my student loans and school fees I would be most appreciative. ( yes, I am still self serving ). I just had a brilliant idea. Send your personal information to Rep Issa. Ask him to pay your bills, get highspeed for your area, fix your roads, pay your hospital bill... As long as he is looking into your files just because you filed a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act. Let your first request be information on Rep Darrell Issa. He is first on my list.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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