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Adventures of a liberal at the DNC 2012 - Pre -convention

I awoke had breakfast at my hotel. I ate ceral for I am doing nothing white until November. Changing my life man. Changing my life. I received my credential for the convention hall. At this point I should mention this is my first convention. Those at my table were still reeling from the meltdown at the RNC. We were amazed at how much the republicans on program did not care for a Mitt Romney presidency. It felt good to be a delegate at the DNC where we loved our candidate. The good feeling stayed with me all day. I attended African-American and Jewish cheerleading sessions. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was the main cheerleader at both events. People clamoring for Hillary need to see Debbie. She is Hillary without Bill. She just lays the facts on the line without fear. She will be president 2016 or 2020. I then returned to my room for a quick nap. I hitched a ride to downtown Charlotte for a party for off the chain bloggers. I met very interesting people. I also met the Obama campaign operative who has been conversing with me for months. She was wicked in person as she is online. I loved her. However, as I sat eating I realized I was still a geek. I felt very much like the teenager whose mother had to force her to attend a dance. I ate my free meal and drunk my free drinks and left. I should say I walked in the rain to the event 10 blocks and I walked 15 blocks to the area for the convention buses. It was when I arrived at the bus staging area that the real mess of the night started. The buses stopped running at 9PM. The would restart at 12:30AM. I and my fellow delegates at the bus stop were confused until we read the fine print in the guide. Dang I knew I needed that guide. After the man in the group stopped a taxi with his hands, we finally made it back to our hotels 14 miles from the convention. My lessons on the first day: Wear gym shows: If you are not a VIP you will have a great deal of walking State parties should start saving for the convention 30 days after the elections results are given. A rough estimate of delegates can be determined at that time. Buses should not stop running at 9PM. Workout months before the convention for you will walk Do not swap cell phone OS 4 days before leaving for convention I shall post a link to the pictures later. I am still learning how to work my new phone. I thank everyone who helped me get to the convention. The wonderful people in Mississippi who made it possible. I thank the members of Buffalo United Methodist church for the taxi money to the bus station and for training me as a child to reach for the stars. I also thank the person who, as always, has given money to support yet another of my adventures in life: my darling ex-lover.


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