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Showing posts from 2012

The narrative is GOP obstruction

There is a difference between being an activist for a cause and a political activist.  In 2010 I moved from being an activist (LGBTQ rights, minority rights, women's rights, etc...) to being a political activist.  At some point I recognized having the right person in office would ensure the rights of everyone in America were protected.  When I made this move I learned the importance of the narrative held by the public.  I also learned how the media actually formed the narrative.  Watching Morning Joe this morning on the Fiscal Cliff Vote Eve, I listened to the formation of the narrative to give the GOP an out on the deal. There is no out for the GOP.  It is imperative that we are clear on the GOP's out, it does not exist.  In 2010, while not yet the majority in the House, the GOP was able to strong arm a continuation of the2001  Bush Tax Cuts.  They even expressed surprised President Obama went along with their demands.  At that time, ...

Take me over the cliff - again

I expect many Americans in my fiscal position are fed up with the GOPs continued fight for the rights of the wealthy to pay less in taxes.  I say take me over the cliff.  I recently found a Twitter account regarding the $250K threshold.   Many of the tweets\RTs where describing the hardships of $250K living.   It is time for a reality check across the board in America.    If the grown-ups were honest about this fiscal mess, they would admit the tax cuts must end for all.  The ending should be in stages to reduce the likelihood of the need for public assistance for working\working-poor families.  Although $250K is different for different parts of the U.S.A it does mean you are not in the ghetto. There is no $250K/individual ghetto in America. If you are reading this posting and you know of such a ghetto, please let me know for I need to move to that state.  If taxes go up for individuals making $250K and above they will not face a n...

Twitter lesson #10089 - Applebee's IMHO

Ok, boys and girls, I have another Twitter lesson for you.  Watch what you tweet.  It seems I have gained a follower on Twitter as a result of something I may have tweeted recently.  I sent a tweet in reply to a tweet someone sent recently about having dinner at Applebee's.  I replied to the tweet with directions to another restaurant with a suggestion McDs would be better.  It seems my tweet did not go unnoticed.  I stand behind my comments. I have been traveling since I was 1.  (Long story of models, airline stewardess, and flight privileges).  I am a big woman who lives to eat. Because of traveling for work I got out of the habit of cooking at home.  Only because of a stroke did I slow my roll and return to cooking at home.  However, I and my children are no strangers to restaurant dining.   We also are not afraid to just say forget it when a restaurant continues to produce plastic food.  Applebee's was placed on that ...

Not another gun violence blog post

It is simple in my view, we have a problem.  We must ask why are assault weapons, weapons that spray when fired, required in civilian life.  I am not against gun ownership. I do question those who are arming themselves with weapons more suited for battle than stopping home invasion.  Are these people expecting the American government to attack them? Why? As details emerge from this latest mass shooting, it becomes more clear, we have a problem that is not solved by more guns.

GOP's horror movie - The fiscal cliff

I am amazed at the intentional obtuseness of the GOP.  One must think it is intentional they are not seeing the rejection of their policies by the American people in the last national election. In spite of the open attempts by the GOP to prevent people from voting, the people voted to reject GOP policies. Yet, I have seen\heard nothing but continued attempts by the GOP to scare the people into continuing the disastrous polices of the party.  This fiscal cliff is a "boogeyman" created under the guise of bi-partisanship by the GOP to scare the Dems into doing their bidding.  The GOP is making the talk show rounds to promote the "boogeyman" as being the scariest thing ever.  However, much like the pathetic "Paranormal" series, even six year olds are calling it whack.  The people who voted down the GOP policies in the 212 national election are the survivors of the train wreck of the Bush Administration.  We have lived through some shit and are no longer fear...

Wal-mart, My Life, My Money

I did not shop at Wal-Mart this Black Friday.  Do not clap for if you note in my blog's header I state I am a Wal-Mart shopper.  I, a liberal's liberal, love making money. I also worked for Wal-Mart for a brief period of time.  I have spent the last few days reading the great shop locally and support small biz mantra.  I also heard just how evil is Wal-Mart.  Today I write of my view of Wal-Mart, personal economy, and action that matters. I first ask my readers to speak with the pre-1992 Wal-Mart associates about the company.  They have great stories to tell.  Sam Walton had a great idea.  He supported American manufacturing when possible, believed in customer service and allowed his employees to reap a portion of the dividends of the company's profit.  During my brief time at Wal-Mart I learned a few things:  1. You cannot fire at will. (Well known lazy fuck-offs were given the opportunity for occupational rehabili...

Post election? Mississippi full hog

After many months of laws designed to obstruct voting and billions spent on maintaining a racist media narrative, President Obama is re-elected as president of the United States of America. The response from the state of Mississippi to this historic re-election: 400 students at Ole Miss hold a protest over the results of the election.   I had two thoughts: Thanks students at Ole Miss for enhancing the image of Mississippi in not only local and national news but in international news as well.   The GOP accomplished its goal to take back this nation.   We were taken back to a time before the 1960’s.   When will we get “it” in Mississippi? The” it” we need to get in Mississippi is part of  my takeaways from this election.   Our image in the international media does matter.   The chances of our children working outside of the United States increases as companies continue to grow in being multi-national corporations (e.g. Wal-Mart) the protest ...

Chillin with CBS Undercover Boss

Ok, truth told I just go home from work but cannot afford to sleep since child is at a game.  As I wait for my phone to charge enough for me to read my Kindle books, I watched the ending of Undercover Boss.  Mitchell Modell was undercover.  He gave one of his employees $250K to move out of a homeless shelter.  He raise the compensation of those working in his distribution center. My first thought was "I wonder if Mitt would do the same for Staple employees?"  My next thought was "nope, they are part of the 47%"    One day I shall be able to watch television without being political.

How elected officals should behave

I think of the six months I lived in NJ.  The people opened their doors to me and their restaurants.  NJ is the only place outside of the South where eating is a hobby and love affair.  The bad part, the food is damn good.  Warning, the people in NJ, even Newark, are sweet, loving and kind people.  Wear sweat pants and be prepared to eat your way across the state.   I ask everyone reading my blog to please text RedCross to 9099 to send $10 to help those affected.  ===================================================================== Sandy does have a silver lining.  That lining is elected officials doing their jobs regardless of political affiliation.  Christie's response to President Obama's response to Sandy gives to me hope that all is not lost in America.  Maybe there is more to us than Democrat or Republican.  Am I a dreamer? I hope I am not the only one.  The media has made much of President Obama and Chri...

Whoopi cushion for Faux News

I arrived home after the football game to see a cry for help to stop the bullying of Whoopie Goldberg.  I had to wonder what she had done?  It seems her crime was to ask a question many in the 47% are thinking:  Romney family's military service.   Faux News' usual suspects ran with what appeared to be a lack of knowledge on the part of Ms Goldberg.  It was even suggested she should have done more research. Although Ms Goldberg is a comedian, black, and female I have reasons to suspect she is a critical thinker.  In fact her follow-up statement after Mrs. Romney's smirk filled reply about the Morman religion confirmed the true nature of  the conversation.  The truth, as I view it, the Romneys love to see America at war but find a mission when called by the country to serve in the war.  Mitt championed Vietnam but did choose to go to France on a mission.  Mitt's sons all five are healthy and have not served in the military although our...

Vote my way! or else lose your job

I found that thought I had lost earlier.   I post my thought here for it is longer than 140 characters.  I have no links for I need feedback from you.  We need to create a listing of the CEOs telling their employees a vote for Obama is a vote to be laid-off.   We need to be ready to take the intellectual talent from those CEOs to form new ethical corporations.  It is very telling of the value these CEOs place on those they employ.  It is time for Americans to take a stand.  Voting is our right.  It is not a privilege to be earned. Voting should not be subjugated to the whims of CEOs.  We need to make our voices heard at the ballot box and where we spend our money.

Train of thought- Seriously I lost it

I had a really fired up rant over some other statement from Mitt.  I have forgotten it while watching President Obama on the Daily Show.  Wish I could remember what it was.  Multi-tasking getting teenager in bed and homework checked. Worried about student loan payments.  What was on my mind?  I dislike losing my self-righteous rage. I had a wonderful tittle.  Geez what was it?  Mitt says so much wealthy entitled stuff that gets my goat I have a hard time deciding what requires my time. 

I feel like a woman

I shall write more about the debate but I must post this quick thought.  When Mitt said binders full of women, my first thought was did he not know any qualified women at Bain?  He spent according to him 25 years in private industry (note: Mitt is over 60 where were the other 35 + years). Seriously, he had no qualifed women at Bain? Seriously, women only need flex time to cook dinner for their families? Seriously, the MSM attempting to pain President Obama as rude with Candy? Seriously? Binders full of women President Obama's response Keep in mind Mitt Romney is not off the mark with the GOP.  The RNC chair has stated Romney is on mark.

Fairness Doctrine - Liberal media

Today I sent an email to my local radio station asking for a time slot.  I shall see if I am allotted time on the station. I have asked in person and via snail mail.  I asked for a slot on the new Urban radio station that broadcasts football games of the private academies created after Brown v. Topeka....  I live in a very conservative area, hence the name of my blog.  The media where I live is much the same as the rest of the United States, not liberal.  Reagan's elimination of the Fairness Doctrine allowed conservative media owners to change the narrative presented to the American people. The people here for the most part are under informed or choose not to engage with the local media because it is skewed against free thinking. Please wish me well.  Although I have blogtalk radio, I wish to be able to reach the people in my area as well.  Many here do not have broadband or access to a computer.  Currently offline radio and print media stil...

Twitter limit during debate

I somehow hit the 1K tweet limit during the debate.  The man shut me down.  I enjoyed the debate.  Mitt was not allowed to lie.  He was called on each lie.  I can be reached at  Maybe my Twitter account will be restored.

Past time to talk about Mitt as governor

Tonight bloggers need to do what the MSM will not do, tell the truth.  As luck would have it, I have associates from Massachusetts who tell a different story about Mitt's term as governor.  These people would be those who worked for the State of Massachusetts.  There are many things about Mitt we need to tell and to relate back to the GOP as a whole.  His term as governor of Massachusetts is just one of many things the public needs to hear. I am posting below comments from others who have gone on the record with the Obama campaign about Mitten's term as governor.   Massachusetts Officials Speak Out Against Romney’s Revisionist History CHICAGO – Mitt Romney’s campaign is telegraphing that he’ll talk about his faux bipartisanship tonight. The debate hasn’t even started yet, and they’re already pushing an argument that is completely divorced from reality. The truth is the real Romney didn’t reach across the aisle in Massachusetts like he claims...

A letter to Romney

Mr. Romney: Today, before the debate tonight, I take the time to write to you.   I write to ask that you simply tell the truth or sign a contract with the America people that your words of love and of empathy for the plight of 47% of us will be followed with actions that improve life in America for the 47% who have no sense of accountability.   Your lies, I am too poor to use $3 words to describe your first debate performance, hurt the 47% of us who are attempting to have a better quality of life in the United States. I live in Mississippi.   You have come here twice to successfully raise money for your campaign but at no point did you do anything beyond cheesy platitudes.   Rather than address the depressed wages and the income disparity in Mississippi, you suggested Mississippi is a model for the rest of the nation.   Do ya’ll in the 53% really think grits are enough for living?   Do ya’ll think it is okay for people to work 16 hours per da...

What I desire from a re-election

I write the post in response to a question put to me on Twitter. There are some things for which 140 characters are not enough. I was asked what I expect from President Obama's re-election. In truth, I expect nothing if Congress continues to be made up of those who seek nothing more than to discredit the President at the expense of the American people. President Obama showed to me, during his first term, his understanding of the desires of the American people. I am working with others across the United States to get out the vote to change Congress from those owned by the multinational corporations to those who desire to do what is best for the people of America. Currently the President seems to stand alone in desiring to do what is best for Americans. I am not saying he walks on water. There are several executive orders from the Bush Administration that on the civil liberties of Americans which the President have not rescinded. The President's silence on laws that prohibit...

Politics back in churches?

Checkout this article. Churches not losing tax status over political endorsements? Bring it on. Huffington Post (@HuffingtonPost) tweeted at 2:15 PM on Fri, Oct 05, 2012: Pastors Are likely to get away with endorsements from the pulpit this Sunday ( Get the official Twitter app at

Who was that unmasked man at the debate?

Who was that unmasked man at the debate? Seriously, I want to know who was Mitt last night? He backed off so many of the promises he made to win the GOP primary. In short Mitt lied his ass off. Joe Scarborough failed to take on the fact Mitt lied his ass off. Instead Joe applauded the bullish and manic behavior of the GOP candidate. I have yet to hear any conservative call Mitt Romney out on his blatant lies. Maybe they have become jaded at this point with his lies. If I had voted for Mitt Romney in the GOP primaries I would be madder than a wet hen in the Mississippi heat. Mitt Romeny made a hard left turn during the first debate. He reminded voters, as Newt pointed out several times, why he was able to be governor of Massachusetts. I should have seen this crab walk when he mentioned that he favored something like the Dream Act. Mitt, too little too late. Latinos were watching the GOP primary debates. In fact, we all watched the GOP primary debates (holla at your "bro...