I write this quick blog update in honor of someone in MS with whom I have been debating the last few hours. I have family issues today so I may not be my normal polictically correct self. Please read the links at the end to understand why I have the veiws I do.
This twit fest started over my simple response to a question about contraception. I am of the opinion that insurance companies that cover viagra should cover birth control as well. I do not use viagra but I pay for it as part of my base premiums. Also, these same religiuos institutions have had insurance coverage of contraceptives for years. Why such arugments now?
In America we have people, who in my view, are finding reasons, no matter how off the wall, to be angry with President Obama. I would rather these people come out and say "we hate having a nigger in office" than to continue to protray being without knowledge. These people attempt to hide their racial hatred behind seemingly on the surface plausible arguements. However their arguements do not hold water when placed up against facts.
This discussion with this person has now gone into why KXL should be allowed. Given the person is a CPA from Mississippi State Univesisty, I would expect this person to know energy is traded on the open market. KXL will not lower the price I pay at the pump. I would expect this person to research how many jobs would be created, the length of those jobs, and who would actually be hired to fill those jobs. I would expect this person to research the origin of the materials for the KXL pipeline. I would also expect this person to know the number of producing land based oil wells capped by oil corporations in America. I would also expect this person to know that oil in ANWAR would not benefit people in Mississippi unless they owned stock in the corporation access the oil. All that glitters is not gold.
America is not in the dire straits some would have us believe. We do have a problem with corporations controlling our government.
Without additoinal commentary here are the tweets with the links.
Ms Madwoman @amsmadwoman
Reply Delete FavoritedFavorite · Close Open Details @WJTV against it. Tired of the war against women by male GOP. Setting this nation back 50 years
Chris @csbarron4
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FavoritedFavorite · Close Open Details @amsmadwoman @wjtv war against women? Good gosh it's a baby! Don't want one then don't have sex!
Ms Madwoman @amsmadwoman
Reply Delete FavoritedFavorite · Close Open Details @csbarron4 @wjtv every time one has sex one should not produce a baby. Sex is a natural healthy activity that does not require a baby
19h Chris @csbarron4
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@amsmadwoman @wjtv feel free to debate issues but for people to make up lies like the GOP hates women or are racists is just tiresome/stupid
17h Ms Madwoman @amsmadwoman
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@csbarron4 @wjtv if the candidates running on a national attempt to make sociwelfare a Black issue then so be it. Speaking as a Black person
16h Chris @csbarron4
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@amsmadwoman @wjtv not sure what you even mean but GOP is about individual liberty and wanting the best for everyone instead of dividing
Ms Madwoman @amsmadwoman
Reply Delete FavoritedFavorite · Close Open Details @csbarron4 @wjtv you may view life in such a way but GOP policies lately have been more for Corps than people
11h Chris @csbarron4
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@amsmadwoman @wjtv another myth. Obama, Barney frank, Harry reid etc are in bed with GE and all these horrible solar and wind companies.
In reply to Ms Madwoman Hide conversation 10:27 PM - 15 Feb 12 via Twitter for iPhone · Details
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Chris @csbarron4
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FavoritedFavorite · Close Open Details @amsmadwoman @wjtv feel free to debate issues but for people to make up lies like the GOP hates women or are racists is just tiresome/stupid
17h Ms Madwoman @amsmadwoman
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@csbarron4 @wjtv if the party talking points appear to show a high level of disdain for the lives of women so be it. Speaking as a woman
16h Chris @csbarron4
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@amsmadwoman @wjtv party has no disdain for women! I guess we should all get free abortions, free gas, free birth control & free homes?
15h Ms Madwoman @amsmadwoman
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@csbarron4 @wjtv well it seems you and I differ beyond male female. Denying coverage for emp of faith based hospitals seems like disdain
11h Chris @csbarron4
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@amsmadwoman @wjtv it's not denying coverage. It's making them give that and abortions for FREE. Also birth control has nothing 2 do with 26
In reply to Ms Madwoman Hide conversation 10:29 PM - 15 Feb 12 via Twitter for iPhone · Details
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Ms Madwoman @amsmadwoman
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@csbarron4 @wjtv Perspective beyond typical MS conservative http://www.opednews.com/Diary/Catholics-Contraceptives-by-120215-298.html
46m Chris @csbarron4
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@amsmadwoman that you call typical. We pay brazil to drill but won't drill ourself. I bet you think free cellphones are ok too.
In reply to Ms Madwoman Hide conversation 9:02 AM - 16 Feb 12 via Twitter for iPhone · Details
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48m Chris @csbarron4
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@amsmadwoman he could allow that pipeline now. And take the credit for new jobs. #commonsense
In reply to Ms Madwoman Hide conversation 49m Chris @csbarron4
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FavoritedFavorite · Close Open Details @amsmadwoman if all those tax funded companies weren't going bankrupt it wouldn't be. Drill in anwar and allow keystone pl gas plummets.
I expect many Americans in my fiscal position are fed up with the GOPs continued fight for the rights of the wealthy to pay less in taxes. I say take me over the cliff. I recently found a Twitter account regarding the $250K threshold. Many of the tweets\RTs where describing the hardships of $250K living. It is time for a reality check across the board in America. If the grown-ups were honest about this fiscal mess, they would admit the tax cuts must end for all. The ending should be in stages to reduce the likelihood of the need for public assistance for working\working-poor families. Although $250K is different for different parts of the U.S.A it does mean you are not in the ghetto. There is no $250K/individual ghetto in America. If you are reading this posting and you know of such a ghetto, please let me know for I need to move to that state. If taxes go up for individuals making $250K and above they will not face a n...
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