At some point someone will awaken to the fact the ACA is not
healthcare, it is a set of regulation for health insurance providers. I have sat by since 2010 watching the crazy
over allowing more people to purchase health insurance at an affordable
Yet, we still have some Democrats running away from the ACA
instead of calling it out very simple as I have done in less than 250
words. We need Democrats with spines to
be elected to office. People unafraid to
say, “ACA is not the best but it is better than no regulation of the healthcare
insurance market.” It is simple. Each Democrat in Congress should be in his or
her state making such things known. It
is not for the President to push ACA.
Congress, grow an loving spine and talk to the people.
Congressional Democrats, tell to the people the good of the
ACA and what you would do to make it better.
Grow a loving spine. At this
stage you should understand the people really don’t want GOP governance. The only people seeking GOP legislation are
those who desire to continue the economic oppression of others and those who
fear they are becoming a minority.
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