Dear MoveOn member,
We won! A federal judge just ruled that we can keep up our billboard criticizing tea party Governor Bobby Jindal for standing between 242,000 Louisianans and Medicaid.
(Quick recap: Republican governors and legislators are blocking a shocking 5 million Americans from accessing health care by refusing to accept federal funding to expand Medicaid. When we put up billboards in nine states calling out Republicans for standing in the way of health care, the state of Louisiana sued us, demanding we take down one of the billboards. But today, the judge issued a preliminary decision that allows our billboard to stay up and paves the way for the whole lawsuit to end with a victory).
But here's the funny part: When we first put up the billboard, we reserved the space for only a month—and had no idea we'd be facing a lawsuit. Now, even though our billboard can legally stay up, financially it will have to come down soon —unless we extend our buy.
Chip in to help us ensure our winning billboard will stay up.
Here's the deal: It costs about $4.50 an hour to keep the billboard up. If 15,000 MoveOn members chip in just $4.50, that's enough to keep the billboard up through the rest of Gov. Jindal's term. And of course, the more money each of us chips in, the fewer people it'll take. If you chip in $108, you'll have single-handedly helped keep the billboard up an extra day.
What do you say? Can you help make sure we're able to keep up the billboard we fought so hard to protect?
Yes, count me in. I'll chip in $4.50—enough to help keep the billboard up an extra hour.
I'll chip in $54—enough to keep the billboard up for 12 hours.
Actually, I'll chip in $108—enough to keep the billboard up for a whole day.
I'll contribute at a different level.
Here's an image of the billboard you'll help us keep up in Baton Rouge, Louisiana after our legal victory
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