I am not sure why I am writing about the latest GOP trip to Crazy Town. The POTUS is president for all citizens. Who has given to the GOP the right to ridicule what others eat. Are they really blind to the fact America is very much a multicultural society? The implied racism in regards to what the President may have eaten as a child will not serve the GOP well. Americans are tired of hate and superiority complex.
Welcome to the views of a real American liberal. This blog features the random rantings of a Mississippi mad woman. Rush Limbaugh is the inspiration for this blog. If an overweight, fake far-right, and cigar smoking raving idiot can have a voice then so can an overweight, real far-left, and Wal-mart shopping Mississippi mad woman. Occupy until all can no longer deny the imbalance on this planet. We are better than what we have become. Occupy.