Offline I encounter folks who are convinced Hillary is corrupt. When I ask how they say things to me such as emails, Vince Foster, White Water, 1994 Crimes Bill, and welfare reform. I look at the folks wondering where they keep the tin foil hats. I’ve been down with Hillary since she said, in my view, bake your own effing cookies. She was my girl. I didn’t need to know anything more. Well until this year. I decided to learn more about her, purchased one of her books. Bill Clinton said something at the 2016 DNC that made me wonder if there was more in Hillary’s bag than hot sauce. He stated she lined the drawers in Chelsea’s dorm room. I said to my buddy offline, “I think Hillary is Black.” She laughed at me but I presented to her the facts as I see them from afar. · She is the breadwinner in the family · ...
Welcome to the views of a real American liberal. This blog features the random rantings of a Mississippi mad woman. Rush Limbaugh is the inspiration for this blog. If an overweight, fake far-right, and cigar smoking raving idiot can have a voice then so can an overweight, real far-left, and Wal-mart shopping Mississippi mad woman. Occupy until all can no longer deny the imbalance on this planet. We are better than what we have become. Occupy.