I spent most of this morning asserting I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong. I spent last night asserting how I don't cosign on bullshit because I've too much of my own. Well, speak and the Universe will deliver. If you follow me on Twitter you may think I'm a combative, perpetually pissed off, and love sharing woman of mythical Amazon proportions. In truth, I'm a peace loving woman with an affinity for good food and spirits. As you read please keep the above in mind. After a hard morning at a local coffee house, I knew my body need something more than a scone. I set my sights on the Tex-Mex place next door. Who knew it would be closed. Briefly Eat 24 Yelp came to mind. However, I decided to gamble on finding food....
Welcome to the views of a real American liberal. This blog features the random rantings of a Mississippi mad woman. Rush Limbaugh is the inspiration for this blog. If an overweight, fake far-right, and cigar smoking raving idiot can have a voice then so can an overweight, real far-left, and Wal-mart shopping Mississippi mad woman. Occupy until all can no longer deny the imbalance on this planet. We are better than what we have become. Occupy.