It seems the GOP has taken the discontent with a website to mean it is time to repeal ACA again. There seems to be a disconnect in GOP logic.
My discontent with GOP doesn't mean I dislike all Protestant heterosexual White males. My discontent means I wish today's GOP were more the party of Lincoln than the party of dicks and assholes. The only thing the party has done is to produce legislation to allow hazardous transportation of oil across our waterways and farmland.
It is time for mobilization to remove GOP from all levels of government. As a whole they have done more to help multinational corporations than they have to help the American people. These crazy attacks on the ACA show a concerning lack of concern for Americans. The current for profit healthcare system bankrupts families. Yet, GOP claim it is better than ACA which is worse than slavery.
People rise up stop this crazy. Vote or run for office.
Here we go again:
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