Wednesday night, June 17th, 2015, I became very depressed. I should say again for I slipped into a state after the murder of Mike Brown last year. I stopped blogging at that time. Recently I was feeling better and hopeful. However Wednesday I saw this nation go back to the same shit. If you've followed my blogging in the past, you know I don't blog stuff for mainstream publication. As I tell to my kids, I'm not your joy pill. I'm your mama.
The depressing thing for me about Wednesday's night massacre is beyond the lives lost, the flag and even history. It is, in my opinion, to see even liberals debate if it was terrorism. How can we as Blacks escape the centuries of terror in America if even the liberals debate if terror?
What I see in the debate is more acts of terrorism in America against Blacks. When we protest we are denied our right of assembly. We are threatened to not have employment if we visibly speak out on the terror. If we buy arms in large quantities we are investigated with swift judgements( Wesley Snipes ).
Yet every day I'm told to ignore the large cache of arms and ammo purchased by White people. I'm told to ignore the lack of due process under the law by police. I'm also told to not block traffic with my protests least I inconvenience White people. There is a disconnect in America and it isn't amongst Black community.
My state of Mississippi has put out information for churches to have safe services . What the hell? The intent was to kill Blacks not Christians. The best we can have is terrorism applied to the massacre to open investigation into known hate groups. The Council of Conservative Citizens' website doesn't go to their website site.
As we would say as kids, "God doesn't like ugly". America needs to wake up and then accept we have homegrown terrorist. There are no lone wolves. These humans get there marching orders and are then cuddled by the mainstream media. It is time to wakeup.
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