This posting is the first in what may become a series. I say may become for it depends on how much crazy people expect me to co-sign. When you meet me online or offline, I am very open about the fact I call myself on my own shit. The hint and a half in that confession is don't expect me to co-sign on your shit when I have shit of my own. If I am wrong, I don't expect you to agree with me. Be real with me. Don't co-sign on my crazy. The only thing gained is more crazy. We need more sanity. Today, I had the pleasure of listening to my sister degrade a school district in Georgia. She was a little perturbed when I didn't co-sign on her rant. How could I co-sign when the truth was already made known to me? The particular district of which she was bemoaning, happened to be one in which I once had a child enrolled. She lamented to me her time as a pupil in this district. She felt the district had been ...
Welcome to the views of a real American liberal. This blog features the random rantings of a Mississippi mad woman. Rush Limbaugh is the inspiration for this blog. If an overweight, fake far-right, and cigar smoking raving idiot can have a voice then so can an overweight, real far-left, and Wal-mart shopping Mississippi mad woman. Occupy until all can no longer deny the imbalance on this planet. We are better than what we have become. Occupy.