Boycotting worked so long ago. Now is the time to buycott. Buy shares in corporations that are not being good corporate citizens and then use your vote as a stockholder to change corporate climate. Another option is to create good corporate citizen corporations to provide the services we need. It is time we get our government to do what is best for all citizens. Email I got today from Tell Verizon: Drop the new fee for paying bills online Libby -- Hey - it's Molly! Remember when together we beat Bank of America -- and the whole banking industry backed away from charging us just for using our debit cards? Well, it’s time to get the band back together. Verizon just announced a new fee for paying your bills online. Really. Even though paying via internet is fully automated. It’s not just about the money (though if you’re like me, you don’t have extra cash to be sending to a giant phone company in order to pay your own bills). It’s that Verizon thinks it can do anything t...
Welcome to the views of a real American liberal. This blog features the random rantings of a Mississippi mad woman. Rush Limbaugh is the inspiration for this blog. If an overweight, fake far-right, and cigar smoking raving idiot can have a voice then so can an overweight, real far-left, and Wal-mart shopping Mississippi mad woman. Occupy until all can no longer deny the imbalance on this planet. We are better than what we have become. Occupy.